Inside the mind of a pantyhose-pooping cutie

I have to get ready for an event that I’m not really looking forward to going to, but at least I get to wear pantyhose. I absolutely love them. The squeezing my toes, legs and ass just gets me in the mood so much. I’d go to the event in just these if I could. Oh no, I think this pair is ripped! Well if I have to get a different pair, I might as well have fun in these first. I’ve been so gassy all day so this would be a great time to get it all out and pushing out this turd into this pantyhose feels so amazing! I love how the pantyhose pushes back too. What do you think people would say if I went to the event with the bunny tail? I’m probably going to be late so it’s time to clean up. I’ll be very careful pulling down my pantyhose so my shit doesn’t get everywhere. My skin has soaked in some of the scent even after a shower, people might still be able to smell me. Maybe I can bring a guy back home to eat my pussy and he’ll get a good whiff of my heavily scented asshole!

Inside the mind of a pantyhose-pooping cutie

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CassieScat at Yezzclips